Year Gone By; Birthday Reflections
Since my 28th, every year before my birthday I intuitively take the time to reflect, embracing the solitude and being mindful of the past year. There’s a reason it is said that, at times, it is best to look back in order to see how far you’ve come.
This year was tough. This year was also one of the best. I‘ve accepted aspects of my character that I would like to continue exploring, and recognized others that I need to let go of. I enjoy this calm time of reflection. I’m proud to admit, I have become kinder to myself. I might even say that this is the happiest and most content I’ve felt in a long time.
“This unintentional hiatus from personal burdens and emotional responsibilities has given me a new sense of excitement. In a sense, I put a pause on life. ”
I’ve limited my checking of emails to once a day before 4pm. Have not posted on social channels in a few weeks. Minimized how much time I spent interacting with others. Decreased phone use to 3 hours a day. Increased physical activity. Left my phone behind while out with friends or family. Spent more time alone reading. Took time to be comfortable in my own company.
It has been nice. I do not get easily impacted by pressures of my job or social expectations, but I have come to conclude that my accessibility has caused me anxiety. Therefore I am trying to reduce interactions on my phone to a manageable amount where I can continue to thrive, as opposed to deplete. So, I’m only allowing myself to be as accessible as I feel comfortable with. I’ve previously written about this and have come to accept that managing this aspect of my life is important to my mental well being, not just when it comes to social and work, but in my personal life, too.
“This is a promise to myself: this year I will focus my energies on what I truly value. ”
I am about to embark on a new chapter, and not just because I am turning another year older, but because I am pursuing a new career path. To channel energies into new passions, at times, we need to modify where we exert them.
With Love…