On my bookshelf...

Hello Darlings, 

I am an avid reader, mostly of classic literature. However, in a recent months, I've ventured out into popular literature and non-fiction. Reading has always played a huge part in my life and I'm not willing to sacrifice it because of the overwhelming course load.








So here are so of my new additions to what is on my bookshelf:

I am loving every moment... just not ready to review it year.
101 guide on how to handle the pressures of modern life in a lady-like manner.
Short, concise and very helpful.
Interesting read about fine art and the developments modern movements.
A leader in cosmetic dermatology, his book is a bible to understanding your skin.
I finished it in about 2 days and I strongly recommend it!
My 7th Agatha Christie book and I am dying to read it.
I'm in love with her work, which I believe is over 80 books.
From the author of one of my all time favorite novels, Leonardo's Swans.
My french course book which is very good for beginners

Well, I'm off to do some research on Bernini's S. Andrea al Quirinale...

I wish you all a beautiful Thursday!!!

With Love... Marta
Source: fashion spot.

Important Matters Discussed....Boots!


Star Gaze...