Hello Darlings, If there is some cheerful news on the topic, death rates from Breast Cancer have declined significantly in the past decade by almost 2% per year. I am very sorry for those who have lost loved ones - and the statistics continue to be alarming that on average every day 62 Canadian women are diagnosed with breast cancer. But again thinking positively, awareness seems to be helping as when breast cancer is caught in its earliest stages, the five-year survival rate for women ages 20-39 is close to 90%.

To learn about some key things  about breast cancer prevention and diagnosis, I consulted with Rethink Breast Cancer for some insights. Definitely worth checking out their website, but here is a brief overview of some interesting insights that I learned:

  • The occurrence of breast cancer varies about five-fold among countries.
  • Canada and the U.S. are considered high-risk countries, while Japan and China are low risk.
  • Migrants eventually acquire the risk of their adopted country.
  • Evidence shows that increased estrogen levels increase your risk of developing breast cancer.
  • More than moderate alcohol consumption may raise estrogen in the blood.
  • Obesity with excess caloric and fat intake may raise estrogen levels.
  • Meat may raise estrogen levels and be a potential source of gene mutagens.
  • It is debated whether taking birth control does increase your risk, or not.

As the saying goes, the best defense is a good offense! And Rethink Breast Cancer also has on their site recommendations on way to limit your risk of developing Breast Cancer, including:

  • Move it!  Exercising five hours a week can substantially reduce your risk.
  • Toss the fries!  Opt for a low-fat diet with lots of fruits and veggies, and less red meat.
  • Butt out!  Smoking kills people! Get help quitting.
  • Stay fit!  Maintain a healthy body weight, since extra fat cells make extra estrogen.
  • Go virgin!  Limit alcohol intake to help your liver keep blood estrogen levels low.
  • Make a baby!  If you plan on having babies, try to start early (before your 35th birthday).

As with all cancers, the most critical thing to know is the importance of early detection. Treatment options and survival rates improve dramatically with early detection! And so you know, unusual lumps found in the breasts often turn out to be cysts or fat necrosis, which are no threat to your health. But it’s important to talk to your doctor if you notice anything unusual.

Rethink Breast Cancer, Peer support program for breast cancer patients

Rethink Connects: Peer Support for Young Women with Breast Cancer is an initiative that  connects young woman who experienced breast cancer at a similar age and stage of life. Peer support volunteers provide one-to-one support over the phone or by email, offering skilled emotional support and sharing their experiences and understanding. This service is free and confidential to women across Canada. For more details, contact Shawna by email at shawna@rethinkbreastcancer.com

Recently, I have been writing regularly for La Vie en Rose on a variety of topics. The inspiration for today's story came from a store visit to research my Perfect Bra Fitting article, when I noticed the large selection of Post-Mastectomy bras. La Vie en Rose  has been a long-time supporter of breast cancer research, raising more than $400,000 with their Roses of Hope Foundation. Knowing this, I am more proud than ever to be part of the La Vie en Rose team, and if are interested to check the selection of Post-Mastectomy bras, they currently have a sale on their online store.

Post Mastectomy Bra, La Vie en Rose post-mastectomy selection

If you ever have story ideas or something you want me to research, don't be shy!

With Love...


Sources: Canadian Cancer Statistics 2012 and Rethink Breast Cancer
Photo Credits: duskjacketattic.blogspot.com / thebeautydepartment.com / champagneandpizza.tumblr.com / loveinfographics.com

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