Last Minute Halloween Costumes

Hello Darlings, With Halloween creeping up quickly,don't fret if you don't have a costume yet.  Jennifer Osieczanek of  ShopAtHome.comhas come up with four tips on how you can put together a costume in a hurry without breaking the bank — while still looking great!

Start by shopping your closet! Have a pair of black leather pants, which are totally on trend, and a tight black top? You’re halfway to Catwoman or Sandy from Grease. If you’re not in the market to buy a wig, let your hair color dictate which role you choose.

Redheads and brunettes head back to the closet for a pair of leather gloves and the highest-heeled black boots you own. Then all you have to buy is a little mask for over your eyes and cat ears. Add your favorite red lipstick and – boom -- you’re ready to meet your Batman.

Blondes just need to add a pair of red heels, a black leather jacket and that same daring red lipstick. Work that walk and you’ll be channeling Sandy in no time, and maybe without even spending a dime!



Looking for some color? Think Orange is the New Black. It’s perfect for Halloween! Amazon sells colored scrubs for less than $20. Pick up the orange set, add your most comfy white crew neck T-shirt and some casual tennis shoes. Bonus if you've got the computer skills to whip up an identification tag.

Not feeling orange this year? Consider dressing up as Effie Trinket from the Hunger Games. Catching Fire comes out next month, so this costume could certainly be the talk of the party.

Choose a bright colored dress to start — think magenta or teal  Stop by Michaels for some big  fake flowers to put in your hair and on your dress. But really, the key to this look the makeup. Start with a pale face and then play up your eyes and lips with the bolder colors you already have in your collection, but might usually be afraid to wear. Add some false lashes for more drama and remember to just have fun with it.

It’s as simple as that. Four Halloween costumes you can put together in a pinch, while still looking great and not busting your budget. And with no mention of Miley Cyrus anywhere…

With Love...



Rag & Bone/Jeans


First Pair of Louboutins