iYellow Wine Club

Hello Darlings,

Have you ever found yourself in that awkward moment staring blank at the wine list, wishing they had offered a wine course in school? Well, me too! But thanks to Angela Aiello - the creative and energetic creator of iYellow Wine Club - there is a fun way to learn all things wine.

Congratulations to our winner Nicole, who said "Chardonnay is my favorite to sip!". Enjoy wine school Nicole :)



iYellow Wine Club is a social club in Toronto with monthly wine events, wine tours and newsletters. The club has 4,000 members, and the next "Wine School" is Wednesday, November 14th from 6:00 - 7:30 pm at the upscale Ritz Carlton hotel in downtown Toronto. Seems like a terrific way to learn some useful stuff, and get out and meet some interesting new people :)


Sommelier Taylor Thompson will provide his insights as the group (students) taste 6 Ontario VQA wines all paired with cheeses specially selected from the TOCA Cheese Cave. The cost is $45 per person, which includes the cost of the wine and cheese obviously! Space is limited to a maximum of 40 people, and to reserve your space, visit this link to iYellow Wine School.

As for my own experiences with wine, mostly from sampling I have learned that my preference is for rich earthy reds. And rather than specific brands, it seems to me that the regions matter most - with my favorites being any of the wines from the Central Coast of California - NOT from Napa Valley / Sonoma, because I find those wines too dry and leave a bitter after-taste. Another region with wines that I usually enjoy is Washington State. Hope this helps if you care to discover!



And happy to note how popular are WithLoveGabrielle readers these days, as iYellow Wine Club would like also like to treat one lucky reader (and a guest) to attend their Wine School at the Ritz Carlton next week for free!

For a chance to WIN the 2 tickets to iYellow Wine School:

Leave a comment below about your favorite type of wine!


* Contest ends on November 12th at 4 pm Eastern *

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