Marta Tryshak

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To Buy or Not to Buy?

Hello Darlings, Have you ever caught yourself in front of a mirror having an inner monologue on whether to buy something?! Well, that is exactly what I was doing a few weeks ago while shopping for a new cocktail dress. As I stood in front of that long mirror deciding whether to walk away from the cutest dress I've found in weeks  and listen to  mom's criticism that it is not a cocktail dress and that she does not like it! Or just go for it and buy!

It is no secret that women are best consumers! We love to shop and the below facts surely confirm that:

  • We control $4.3 trillion which is roughly 73% of US household spending'

  • On average women wear only 20% of their clothes 80% of the time.

  • We spend 399 hours shopping each year.

With those numbers in mind, those 5 minutes in front of a mirror begin to carry greater importance of not only time investment but money. Naturally, we want to make sure that we shop with purpose and that every piece falls into the 20% category. So the next time you're standing in front of a mirror ask yourself the following:

1. Can I think of 5 outfits that this  piece will work with? If no, then you're in trouble.

2. Where can I wear it? The more occasions you can wear it to, the more use you will get.

3. Does this suit my style or it's just a trend? If it's a trendy item then the chances are you will not wear it more than a handful of times. In such case, consider how much you're willing to spend.

4. Is it made of quality material? Quality over quantity always.

5. How does it fit? If the fit in anything less than perfect, walk away or be ready to look for a tailor.

Despite my mother initially disliking this dress, I just loved it too much to part with it. Next time she saw me wearing it, she loved it too!  When a woman loves something, the chances are she will not walk away. So if you do walk then it's just not meant to be. Move on to another fabulous dress that is just around the corner in the next store!

With Love...


Source: Advertising Age