Marta Tryshak

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Turning the Page: Rediscovering My Voice in a World of Influence

Hello Darlings,

Well, that's a greeting I haven't used in quite some time, not since 2021, to be exact. Launching this space back in 2008 was a journey I cherished, filled with genuine connections and a community kind enough to engage with my musings. However, as the world of blogging evolved into an influencer-centric sphere, I found myself increasingly at odds with the direction it was taking—far removed from the openness that initially drew me in.

Navigating through my 20s with the blog was an adventure I genuinely relished, despite the industry's shift towards endorsements and brand partnerships. Yet, as the pandemic hit and I ventured into my 30s, the realization dawned on me: each post and social media update felt like a compromise, straying further from myself, and frankly, it often left me feeling embarrassed.

The fear of losing my 'reach'—that marketing term that quantifies your appeal—became a looming concern. After thirteen years of intertwining my identity with my online presence, the decision to step back was both daunting and necessary. I chose to focus on growing TryMus Group and then On Social Sports and limited my social media activity to sporadic Instagram posts. The pursuit of keeping up with the proverbial Joneses on Instagram only magnified my disenchantment with a medium I once adored.

“Confessing now, I felt like a complete sell-out for commodifying my life.”

The authenticity of simply being myself got lost in translation, buried under the pressure to maintain a facade. This space began as a personal mission to improve my English after immigrating from Ukraine in 1999 and as a creative outlet during my studies at the University of Toronto. It was a space for raw, unfiltered expression, fostering a community of honest dialogue, far removed from today's chase for reach or engagement

The longing to return to writing lingered, craving a space where I could be unapologetically me, untainted by social media's demands. My business ventures now provide the financial stability I once sought through influencer work, allowing me to step away from the need to monetize my personal life—a chapter of my journey I reflect on without regret but not without learning its lessons. Having navigated the influencer industry from both a professional and academic standpoint, I've seen firsthand the toll it can take on one's mental wellbeing.

This blog renaissance is about reclaiming my space to share the joys, the challenges, and the mundane moments of life, away from the glare of algorithmic approval. It's a return to what writing once was for me—a simple pleasure and a bridge to connect on a more personal, meaningful level.