Marta Tryshak

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Dealing With Success or Failure

Hello Darlings,With a new year comes an opportunity for a new start. It's not really as if at a strike of midnight our mindframe changes and we magically set out on a different path. Instead, the new year is a starting point that makes us feel encouraged. While I am not the one to particularly believe in resolutions, I do believe that every woman has the opportunity to set forward a change at any given moment. Really nothing else is standing in our way, aside from us? Not as if that midnight call is going to change you as an individual but what it does is give new hope.

So with that hope, comes the drive that we need in succeeding at change. For me change comes from the way I feel about myself as an individual. Having have faced some difficult and testing times that left me feeling at my lowest, I've also experienced the opposed — the deluded type of confidence and feeling of being on top of the world. Either side of the spectrum is drastic but finding that balance is what takes the most work. Finding a balance of ensuring that you're not becoming a disappointing individual when facing success and also not feeling a mess when facing failure. Everything in moderation and that comes with control. Both success and failure change an individual and typically in the worst way.

I've struggled with finding balance before when facing both situations and I've learned that the best way to keep yourself in check is through people around you. Due to the nature of my work, it's easy to allow things to get to your head and lose touch with reality. Especially when social media is such a prominent part in your life, it is also hard for other people to get a true sense of an individual that I am. So I like to say that "I'm a visitor in my world" because my work life is not my personal life and the two I separate greatly. At the core of balance are the values that you were raised with and the people you trust.

When it comes to success or failure, it is our ego that needs to be handles with most care. When at your high, people you trust are the ones that check you from being egotistical. While at the low, they check that you're not self loathing and rather getting back on your feet. Those are the people that matter most in life and whose opinion you trust when yours is clouded. And the values, well those are the ones that shape us into the individual that we are or want to become. Never let success get into your head and never let failure destroy your character. It is scary because we hope for one and dread the other meanwhile both sides have destructive impact on us.

Naturally, at some point in our lives we all lose touch with ourselves but it is our responsibility that we get back on that course sooner rather than later. Therefore this year and every year of my life, I want to resolve to ensure that the people I love are near and dear and that I never question or deviate from my core values. With those two factors in check, finding balance in life becomes an easier challenge.

With Love...
